Thursday, May 22, 2014

Reign of Words- and Unfortunate Rebellions


What do you use to write?
     Generally, I write in MS Word (the 2007 edition) or Scrivener. When working on a co-written project, I work almost exclusively in Google Documents.
     I recently acquired a smart phone and have written into its note feature several times, when wi-fi (and thus Google Documents) were unavailable. Generally, I find it better for jotting ideas than writing, as transferring thing to my computer is a pain. 

What do you use to supplement your writing? (Music? TV in the background? YouTube channels?) 
     I usually like music, occasionally movies I've already seen far too many times. Not the TV. A significant portion of my writing music was originally discovered as AMVs, and I've compiled the "good ones" into YouTube channels by story (hooray for procrastination tactics...?)

Do you shift between software for different parts of writing: planning, writing, editing, etc?
     Not really. The only reason I shift at all is access- sometimes notebooks are just closer to hand than my laptop- or severe need to flee the internet and the myriad distractions therein.

Bonus: Give us a screenshot of you mid-writing. Seriously. Pause, snap, post.