Ughhhh. Tea, needs teaaaaaa!
I had so much to get done this morning. Mum woke me up at eight (reasonable) to help her put the chairs on the porch so my uncle could borrow them and the tables without dealing with her antisocial dog, and I had told Teva that I would write with her this morning (not that she got up before 10). I watched the last four episodes of Log Horizon Season One.
Then the phone started ringing. I've had twelve calls between my cell and the land line. All but one was actually for me. I am exhausted, headachy and possibly feverish. I have vacuumed upstairs, cleaned up my desk, balanced my checkbook, painted my nails, consolidated the mess in my room, updated my planner, paid my phone bills for December and February, submitted my 38+ hours at work to my temp agency.
Now Grammy and Grampy are here and my headache keeps getting worse. Bleh. Though we did get to show Grammy our projects before they flee to Florida (which they plan for Monday, I think).
I'm complaining to Kin, but I don't even know what to take for this or if it's just a stress reaction to my first week at work.
On a completely unrelated note, these are awesome:
Not that I need one, you understand. They're just awesome.