October 2014
Just one month left before NaNoWriMo! So our next topic is pretty obvious...
NaNo Planning vs. NaNo Pantsing
Which is better for you?
By this, you assume that something actually works. I usually start by pantsing. Plot bunny appears, I write a chapter or so, then I sit and plan, and re-plan, and never finish anything.
Which one always fails?
Straight pantsing. If I can't find a coherent plot in my writing, I end up either frustrated or bored, depending on the story. My writing time is generally very ruched during November. I didn't participate in Nano before I started college, so November was always exam season. I then started working full time and 'not having time' is the norm. So I have to make time, and if I'm not motivated to do so I can easily go months without writing.
Or can you do either or?
Bonus: Show us your NaNo planning - handwritten or computer screen!