Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 2016- Saying more with Less?

August 2014

Let’s talk a bit about...

Writing Short Stories
What do you like about writing short stories? 
      I don't write short stories; I just don't finish them.
What don’t you like about writing short stories?
      How you have to move the plot so quickly that there isn't enough time to develop the characters- at least I feel that way. I might be able to get around it if I were doing a fan fiction piece, because I would already have a good understanding of the character; most likely, my audience would as well. As I usually don't "know" my characters until I've been writing them for a while, I find it nrealy impossible to write short stories that I am happy with.
How do you think short stories differ from novels?
     The pacing needs to be completely different, the writer needs to pay a lot more attention to "suggesting" the setting and character to the reader, rather than describing everything in detail unless the setting is the focus of the piece, and the character either tends to be focused on one major decision point or not develop much at all.

Bonus: What is your favorite short story anthology?
 J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion- All the backstory you ever wondered about for the Lord of the Rings.