November 2014
We're going to do this blogging month a bit differently... Because it is NaNoWriMo, for crying out loud!
Every week, at the least, post a blog of your weekly word count (total and week-only) and an excerpt from your novel. We'll cheer you on.
Week One (11/7): 7338/11668 = I wrote 7338 words this week. I also completed my first successful 5k weekend. Still behind, but not too badly- yet.
Week Two (11/14): 17393/23333 = I wrote 10055 words during the week. First ever 5k day on Sunday! Still way behind, and coming down with a bad head cold. If only I didn't have to work like an adult...
Random Update (11/19): So... the cold knocked me out for pretty much the entire week, but as of this afternoon I have finally gotten back to the keyboard- started at 17395, ended at 19073. almost to 20k!
Week Three (11/21):