What’s your Wriye Word Count goal and why did you choose it? What are you going to be focusing on this year? What are you doing differently this year compared to last year?
My goal for this year is 75k- fairly modest for WriYe, but still more than I managed last year. I think I managed 73k by the end of 2016? I could check, but I'm being lazy this morning. Regardless, I was this close to winning WriYe for the first time ever and then all motivation went *poof.*
Last year I had had to change my goal from 100k to 75k due to "life in general compounded by lack of desire to write." This year, I'm going to start with a goal I know I can make, and hopefully change it to a higher word count if I meet it.
I have experimented, and find it more motivating to start with attainable goals, rather than crazy high ones. If I start with something hard, I apparently loose interest as soon as I fall off the bandwagon. Which generally happens by March, if not even earlier.
This year, I'm hoping to focus on- well, focusing. When I finally bully myself into writing, I am far to easily distracted. I would like to find a set up that will get me into writing mode, and the self discipline to actually sit and write for the twenty minutes to an hour before getting lost in the internet.
And there are so many ways to wander....
What are you most excited about for in 2017? Writing wise or not. Let us know!
Currently, I'm most excited about possible vacation ideas. Last year I went to England with my sister and a friend for two weeks- I'd love to do something like that again, though maybe a little closer to home. I've had half an idea to try a road trip up to Nova Scotia and possibly Cape Breton, but the timing is tricky with the cold weather. Another idea is heading for a resort in the Dominican for a week as a family vacation, though we still need to figure out pet care while we're gone.
I recently started Rosetta Stone Japanese, as I am trying to be a bit more serious about learning the language. I would like to visit Japan, possibly during the Olympics in 2020. But languages take a long time, and though I've picked up a bit from anime and an informal group I attended for a few months, I would like to be able to make myself understood before getting lost in a foreign country. I figure if I can understand and speak a little, I might be able to get away with not being able to parse katakana/hiragana. Hopefully.
We've been cleaning out and reorganizing the craft "room" in the basement since the week after Christmas- finally bought cabinets and tearing apart a desk to have a setup with two tables that will work better for us. Having spent about four weekends working on it, we're at least 80% finished. I am hoping to be done by the end of February, and able to get back to working on projects.
Maybe this year I'll finish a few!