September 2014
School days... Starting up again. So let’s get in as much writing as we can before the books hit!
What is your worst time waster?
What is your worst time waster?
Reading. Always has been.
I would get so much more done if I could stop reading for even a week, but generally I read just about every spare minute- books, fan fiction, blog posts... My page counts are probably higher than my word counts.
How long do you allow yourself to procrastinate?
How long do you allow yourself to procrastinate?
I- never stop? Generally, I manage not to procrastinate about four days per month. The rest of the time, I'm lucky if I get to writing or chores eventually.
Do you regret it, or do you think it’s worth it?
Totally worth it. I love reading, it is my one true hobby. Everything else is secondary. Well, except work, but that is mandatory.
Bonus: Try to forego one of your time wasters this month and see how much higher your WC is! But not that school, work, necessary stuff. We need you happy, healthy and not in trouble for truancy.
Bonus: Try to forego one of your time wasters this month and see how much higher your WC is! But not that school, work, necessary stuff. We need you happy, healthy and not in trouble for truancy.
So, I managed to go without reading for the three day Labor Day weekend holiday. I did get a lot of things I had been putting off done- and then I found stupid games on my phone through Google Play. At least I got something done before I found a new way to procrastinate?
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