I have signed up for Write Year 2014 in an attempt to motivate myself to get some writing accomplished. I have some hope of keeping up with their blogging circle. (Anything is better than not blogging at all, right?)
So now my task is to rediscover all those projects I had lost in the maelstrom of college and graduate school.
Thus far, I have uncovered:
- a scrapbook
- a SMASHbook
- the Psychedelic Quilt of Doom
- several counted cross stitches
- a huntress costume
- a SAO Klein cross-play (no, this is not cross dressing!)
- a barely- begun knitted shawl
- a pair of finger-less gloves (knitting)
- a pillow sham (also knitting)
And now for the writing projects:
To Write:
- The King's Shadow- medieval fantasy world, originally started in 2009. MC- Aiden Trevallyn.
- Drakaeo- feudal high fantasy; Dragons (nobility), Elves (servant/rebels), Humans (peasant class), originally begun in 2011. MC- Drakaeo Llywellyn
- Caelmare- clan-ish elemental mage culture; Begun 2012. MCs Saeki Kuroni and Tsora (who may or may nothave a last name)
- Seeking the Dawn- medieval border war with random magical elements? Originally begun in 2012. MCs Djari and Sirael.
- Chimera- military/mob dystopian madness? Begun early 2013. MCs Tobias (hawk) and Leon (viper).
- Trevin- Medieval desert culture. Tried in 2008, scrapped. Re-start?
To Edit:
- Dan&Ian- ever-growing universe. Something similar to an rp with startling resemblance to a novel. They're basically hit men...
- Sarius- a friend's story I'm beta reading/editing.
So, first things first- I suppose I need to print it all out and see where the heck I am, in order to determine where I might be going. Should be.... Interesting?
Beware impending avalanches of paper!
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