- Another scene of King's Shadow
- Plotting for the next 'arc' of the story- filled out, created more characters
- Over 10k in Dan's story during the month of February- all after the 14th.
- Found a home for ALL of the scrapbook- stuff
- Bought the rest of the materials for Kleina costume
- Cleared out the Island of Misfit Toys/Moria (In common tongue, the un-insulated room above the garage- did I mention that is was cold this week?) for several hours during the week and pretty much all of Saturday
- Played in the Elder Scrolls Online BETA (So much fun, even if I am a flailing newbie whose sister set up non-archer characters. Archer= only MMORPG character I have logged more than two hours on. I was trying to play a mage.)
The mudcrabs though- I remember those from Morrowind- those should just DIE. (Kill on Sight)
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