Monday, March 31, 2014

March Progress Report V

     So, Anime Boston 2014: Magic&Mischief is over. It was totally awesome, my costume held up pretty well, and I am sorry to see it go. First order of business was to catch up on sleep.
    That accomplished, I now need to catch up in WriYe, make enough money to pay off the credit card bills, finish putting the ConCave together and organize it, do some job searching... and basically get back to normal life. Oh, and post pictures, game, and read.

  • 437 words into Drakaeo
  • 3936 new words between KS, Drakaeo and Never Surrender (Dan AU)
  • 1-2 hours Editing
  • TERA Rising: 4 hours
  • WriYe 1st Quarter Verification almost ready to send in
  • Finally watched Disney's Frozen

Sunday, March 30, 2014

... And Don't Forget the Bugspray!

Camp NaNoWriMo- April 2014

     Yes, I have definitely been waiting for this since- well, last November. Hoping desperately that it will get me back on track for writing in the fast and furious frenzy that it so obviously requires. Planning on rebelling (aka, writing already started stories) in a desperate attempt to finish something.

     However, now that it's finally here... I find that I would really like to start something new. Everything I'm currently writing has been going for some time, and lost some of it's allure; at least the scenes which I'm working on at the moment. Especially Kings Shadow, which will be so much more fun once I actually get Aiden to Jhalvior.

     When I signed up for Camp earlier this month, I plugged in a title- "To the Last." I'm sure there are interesting characters, tons of world building and a plot to go along with it. I just- have no idea what (or who) they might be. Perhaps I will just rebel multiple works until I manage to hit on an idea. Or perhaps- I'll try writing without a plan, as frightening as that is.

     Or I could try writing Dan's back story- though I don't think I will. I couldn't do it justice at NaNo pace, and it isn't ready to be written yet.

Monday, March 24, 2014

AnimeBoston '14- Rise of the ConCave

     So yes, we went, we saw, we cosplayed- and did fairly well, if I do say so myself. I think it ended up costing us about $250 per person, plus whatever was spent at the vendors. Which isn't bad, as it included what we paid for hotels and meals.
     And the cosplays were all completed on time!
     Pictures, as promised:
Kirita, Kleina and Asuno (our cosplays)
Kirito, Klein, and Asuna from Sword Art Online Anime
    We were also the only ones who gender swapped those characters, even though there were more than 30 Kirito cosplays, several Kleins and at least 20 Asunas. Most of whom had bought costumes, or at least the swords.
     Hurrah for original ideas!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Progress Report IV

Greetings from AB '14!


  • NO words into King's Shadow- Go work on the cosplay.
  • 510 new words between KS and Never Surrender (Dan AU)
  • Editing- NONE- Seriously. Work on the Cosplay.
  • TERA Rising: NO hours, Finish your cosplay and get to Boston!  
  • Klein cross-play costume completed! 
  • Read an entire trilogy- yeah, this was instead of writing....

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Progress Report III

Greetings from the ConCave! Well, we're now less than a week out from AB, still have a few things to wrap up, but we're nearly ready (good thing, too!)

  • 1200 words into world building for King's Shadow
  • 6610 new words between KS and Never Surrender (Dan AU)
  • Caught up to WriYe word count goal

  • TERA Rising: logged about 10 hours 
  • Katana- painted, added clear coat finish- just needs the handle bound 
  • Plate armor and katana sheath are done, need to be attached with straps
  • Sewed small "plates" onto right sleeve
  • Wig cut/style- outsourced, waiting for call to pick up

  • Read two books
  • Started cleaning out desk

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crafting +1 and other Achievements

     So, as you may have guessed from the post title, I've been playing a few hours of MMORPG this week, and as WriYe (or Jono) would have it, my prompt for this month is editing. In my currently pixel-ated brain, the two functions seem to mirror one another, so I'll run with that.
     Why do they mirror one another? because both take time, skill, and effort to be of any use. You need to be invested in the craft- be it weapons making or writing- and then refine your work to create a useful item. Writing without editing is like gathering without crafting- just so much extra stuff in your inventory. Aren't you glad you don't live in my head?

     And now for Jono's questions: 
What is your favorite method of editing? Do you print it all out and paint it red? Do you use a computer program like Scrivener or Liquid Story Binder to arrange things? Or maybe you just trash the first draft and try it all over again?
     I like to print it all out and attack it- I need paper, and at minimum, a pen.
     Optimally, I want a pen (black or blue), a red pen, sticky tabs, blank lined paper and a highlighter.

  • The highlighter (battle axe) is for the obvious stuff, like spelling and run on sentences- things that fix easily once I get back to the keyboard. 
  • Regular pen and paper (sword and shield) are for notes- adding plot twists, things that I need to re-write into intelligible English, character connections I just thought of making (Oh, wait- the Ambassador, Kei's uncle- he's the other captain in Capt. Darien's back story!), those corrections. 
  • Tabs (map markers) are for plot holes, the urgent ones- the why does my MC tell five different back story timelines to three characters in less than ten chapters?- plot apocalypse level urgent. 
  • The Red Pen (bow with multi-shot) I use mostly for punctuation errors- mark your target so that it's easier to find. 
     With these weapons equipped, I then read through the entire dungeon- I mean story- with appropriate music blasting into my headset.

What do you find the most in your editing? Are you a repeated-word-abuser? A comma-phile? Or maybe your grammar just ain't no good?
     The punctuation errors- They are the minions of my editing dungeon, popping up everywhere and often. This is mostly due to my typing skills being sketchy around the edges. I almost never have repeated words- the writing program I did in high school made me almost allergic to that error; they drive me insane. Recently I've become something of an "en-dash-phile," I suppose but I try not to let it get too out of hand while I'm working.
     The dungeon bosses, however, are definitely the alternate plot lines- time consuming and difficult to kill, and sometimes rather disorienting. They are always deserving of tabs, so that they may be found and beaten into submission of the main story.

Bonus: Give us a picture of one of your stories mid-editing.  
This picture will randomly appear when I do my next camera upload ;)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March Progress Report II

And yet another busy week! I hope we finally have all the materials for this cosplay stuff. (Two weeks until Anime Boston! We're cutting it close!) But oh how my writing is suffering...

  • Managed another 3k this week, still about 3k behind my goal. I was doing great until ...Friday?
  • Got another several pages of editing done
  • Updated word count spreadsheet

  • Started playing TERA Rising again, logged about 15 hours
  • Katana shaped out of foam, added hilt and enameled
  • Plate armor and katana sheath cast out of plaster
  • ConCave craft area reorganized and mostly cleaned up

  • Moved uncle's boxes and furniture from basement to storage
  • Dismantled office desk and moved from balcony to basement
  • Signed up for Camp Nano in April
  • Ran Tech Sunday morning

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Choose a character of yours to represent each of the four seasons

So, I found this prompt the other week and have been having far too much fun with it. (read: immediately began classifying all my characters by season, before coming to the conclusion that I was procrastinating on writing.) That said,

Winter: Dan Mandel, 24.
     He's a distrustful hit man/body guard who has been on this writing journey about as long as I have. Blond hair, green eyes, roughly six feet tall, he tends to be of Anglo-German decent and if I don't watch him carefully will randomly pick up and adopt troubled children.

Spring: Sirael, 16.
     This one is a young man who has been blind since age four. At sixteen he is technically 'captured by the enemy' and taken to another country by a party of raiders. However, once there he is healed of his blindness and discovers a talent for healing magics himself. He is also one of my more hopeful character personalities.

Summer: Tsora Silvena 14.
     Usually cheerful to the point of annoying the less sunny personalities around him, Tsora has a rather difficult home life and back story. His father is often busy with political matters, and many of his peers are afraid of his potential power and erroneously believe that he caused the death of his own mother in an outburst of uncontrolled magic. There is also a certain quality of naivete surrounding his character, as he both takes things at face value and tends to get into situations without thinking them through completely first.

Fall: Drakaeo Llewellyn, 16.
     Drake is a reserved and responsible personality. He does seem to collect people, but he's more of a "protector" than a "caretaker." He'll do what he needs to, is open to mentoring younger characters, but he loves to have time to himself to fly or read; whatever suits his fancy that particular day. He has a particular love of staying up late when the moon is bright and sitting on the roofs of towers and in the upper branches of trees.

There, I have actually managed to choose only one character for each season- none of which share a story with one another. ;) It's an interesting exercise, best done with characters you know well.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Progress Report I

  • Another scene of King's Shadow
  • Plotting for the next 'arc' of the story- filled out, created more characters
  • Over 10k in Dan's story during the month of February- all after the 14th.

  • Found a home for ALL of the scrapbook- stuff
  • Bought the rest of the materials for Kleina costume
  • Cleared out the Island of Misfit Toys/Moria (In common tongue, the un-insulated room above the garage- did I mention that is was cold this week?) for several hours during the week and pretty much all of Saturday 
  • Played in the Elder Scrolls Online BETA (So much fun, even if I am a flailing newbie whose sister set up non-archer characters. Archer= only MMORPG character I have logged more than two hours on. I was trying to play a mage.)
    The mudcrabs though- I remember those from Morrowind- those should just DIE. (Kill on Sight)