Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Choosing A Race (Because Every Story Has One, or Several)

And welcome to April, everyone- it is technically fully spring, the days are finally getting warmer (more or less quickly, depending on where you live), Camp NaNoWriMo has officially started and there's a new blog topic for the group:

Genre, that tricky little classification tool that I take great pains to completely ignore while I'm actually writing, lest it get in the way of my still evolving plots. Ah well, it had to come up eventually.

What is your main genre?
My main genre- would be loosely categorized as "fantasy", I suppose. I've dabbled in contemporary fiction and sci-fi, but generally prefer doing more world building to doing more research. I like working with magically talented characters- though the rarity of such skills encompasses the spectrum. In some stories, such as Drakaeo or Caelmare, the non-talented people are the strange ones, while in others, King's Shadow in particular, there is no such thing as magic. As far as setting goes, I generally write pseudo-medieval cultures and countries.

How has it evolved for you in the past few years and how do you think it will evolve further - both in your own writing style and in the publishing field overall?
I wouldn't say that my genre has evolved, personally. I started out in other fields and worked my way into it. My only recent attempt outside the strict fantasy Genre was in Dystopian, which is probably a close cousin in the scheme of things. Well, I suppose the Sherlock fan fiction is also Not Fantasy, but that was more my writing buddy's decision than my own. Though I've plugged more words into that than anything else this year...

Is there any genre you think blends easily with your niche? Or maybe you write in one that hasn't really emerged yet. 
That would be a case-by-case question. Several of my works in progress are fully into J.R.R. Tolkein/ R.A.Salvatore style fantasy, and another is paced more like Tamora Pierce- so I'd say the genre has definitely emerged, I just happen to be writing in several niches at once. Lucky me?

Bonus: Doodle us something that describes your main genre to a T. (Like hearts for romance. But you can't take that now. Haha.)
... It would be the week I have neither a mouse nor a scanner. Maybe I'll get something up once I've fixed that particular problem.

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