Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Follow that Plan! ... What Plan?

    Well, I seem to be starting a month late (by four days... oops?) on the WriYe Blog Circle. Typical me. I'd defend myself, but I had to give up on that. It really is my own fault.
Nevertheless, time for the Blog Circle Prompt (for January): Planning.

         ... Wait, what? Jay, the arch-procrastinator, is supposed to write bout planning?
         What cruel irony.
The Ship of Planning- which I was too late to board.

I have two "planning modes"

Option A: Plan it to Death. In which case, the project, idea, trip, what-have-you generally doesn't happen unless taken over by more capable hands than mine.

Option B: Create a checklist. If done in a- timely fashion, I can usually bulldoze my way through at least half of the list before losing interest, and occasionally complete the project (at the last minute, of course). I have been known to write ten page research papers for master's level courses in a day.

As you can see, Planning and I have a love/hate relationship. More "hate" than "love," but I cannot seem to function without it.

My writing suffers greatly for lack of this skill (I have been reliably informed that planning is indeed a learned skill and not some arcane inborn talent) as I rarely begin a piece with any inkling of where it is going or what its purpose might be.
My characters walk up to me, tell me their back stories, and cheerfully drag me along for the ride, often without a proper introduction. Such impolite catalysts.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the late reply (I usually only go through when I post my blog posts, lulz), but I found your blog post very amusing. :D
